TV Show Themes On Bass

The Odd Couple Theme 

Who loves old sitcoms on TV? And who misses great TV show themes! The Odd Couple is a classic.

This theme song features a great bass line that uses mostly roots and fifths. The basic rhythm is half notes or what’s called in Jazz a “two feel”. In a few places it’s just quarter notes. The song modulates in to a different key and then back to the original key which is typical of old TV and movie theme arrangements The transcription is below.

Practice Tips :

  1. Practice 4 measures at a time over and over (like a loop) with a metronome until you get it right several times in a row.
  2. Next, practice 8 measures at a time until you get it right several times in a row. Continue this process through larger sections.

This great bass lines leaves you with a happy feeling when you play it. It uses mostly roots, fifths and ninths. The feel is a combination of Latin and Pop.

Practice Tips

  1. Practice 1 measures at a time over and over (like a loop) with a metronome until you get it right several times in a row.
  2. Next, see if you can play 4 measures with good time with a metronome. Continue this process and try playing longer sections once you get the hang of it.

Transcription below.

Call and answer is used between the vocal melody and the bass line. Practice slowly at first with a metronome and gradually increase the speed. try playing along with a recording of the tune.

This bass line is good practice for playing and reading syncopated and dotted rhythms. It is also a good bass line for practicing tied rhythms.

Transcription below.